Fact of the Day 21 - Your Heartbeat

Did you know that your heart beats over 100,000 times a day? Pretty Sweet!

Fact of the Day 20 - Number of Dogs

Did you know that there are about 52.6 million dogs in the U.S.? That's about 17% of the entire U.S. human population. Pretty Sweet!

Fact of the Day 19 - Drinking Water Kills

Did you know that drinking too much water kills? There have been many cases of people dieing, for example, from drinking too much water after doing push ups. While the cells in other parts of the body have the ability to expand, the brain cells which lie withing the skull do not. Drinking too much water forces the brain to expand and this causes nausea, headache, and possibly death. Pretty Sweet!

Fact of the Day 18 - Billionaires

Did you know that last year there were 1,125 billionaires? This year there are just 793 people rich enough to make our list. That's a decrease of 332 billionaires. Pretty Sweet!

How to Protect youself from 2012 and Nibiru. Nibiru Comercial

Fact of the Day 17

Did you know that there are 206 bones in adults and 300 bones in children? That's because some of the bones fuse together when you grow. Pretty Sweet!

Fact of the Day 16

Did you know that the name of all of the 50 states are written on top of the Lincoln Memorial on back of the five dollar bill? Pretty Sweet!

Fact of the Day 15

Did you know that a cockroach will live several weeks after you cut off his head? Pretty Sweet!

True KashLife Fan. The New KashLife.com

Fact of the Day 14

Did you know that you eat about 60,000 pounds of food during your lifetime? That's the weight of about 6 Elephants.

Fact of the Day 13

Did you know that it take a red blood cell 20 seconds to circle the whole body?

Fact of the Day 12

Did you know that Elephants are the only animals that can't jump?

Shout out to kashlife.com by thekizzle310

Fact of the Day 11

Did you know that every year in the U.S. 4,000 people die from drowning?

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Why I invented KashLife.com

I am KashLife.com
Many people forget to live the present life. They focus too much on history until they become history. I don’t want to be that way. I realized that some of the most precious moments in life never survive in our memories. I learned that it is all about planning ahead, but living the present life. Some people need to be reminded of this every day. I am reminded of this by KashLife.com.
I decided to share my life with the world as soon as I got a camcorder for my 17th birthday. I record videos and write about my interests, events, and beliefs. I have recorded moments where I found out the truth about events to the moments where I am in search of the truth. KashLife.com consists of quotes, videos, facts, short stories, poetry, pictures, humor, etc. My fans became an encouragement for me to continue with sharing my life.
At first there were many people telling me that the idea of making this blog is pointless and few people telling me that they enjoy KashLife.com. It was the few that I cared about, because as long as I have one fan, that is enough motivation for me to continue KashLife. It was the strength my fans gave me which motivated me to capture more fans and turn the haters into lovers. It is the videos, poems, quotes, short stories, and writings that give joy to my friends and equally to me. KashLife.com makes it easy for my friends and fans to get a taste of my lifestyle. KashLife is an adjective meaning to live life. KashLife is my life in the making. I am KashLife.com.