"let tonight pass. Let's just have the greatest day tomorrow" Kash Sobhe
"learn to say no, even if you don't mean it" Kash Sobhe
"You'll find the definition of life after your death, just like how you will find out the story after you are finished with the novel." Kash Sobhe
"We are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment." Richard Dawkins
"However sage anyone is, he is, after all, but a man." Montaigne
"Why is there something rather than nothing? We do not know. We will never know. Why? To what purpose? We do not know whether there is a purpose. But if it is true that nothing is born of nothing, the very existence of something – the world, the universe – would seem to imply that there has always been something: that being is eternal, uncreated, perhaps creator, and this is what some people call God." AndrĂ© Comte-Sponville
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