Got HTC Touch?
This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming.For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009. This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard. Read more on

I watch it every day!
Radio KIRN 670am
So, my brother is going to be on the 670am radio tonight at 8 and he is going to talk about the persian new year festival that California State University Northridge is having tomorrow. My brother is the president of The Persian Club at CSUN and just like always the festival will be great and exciting. There will be food served, dancing, singing, and many more. For more information go to
"They say it makes many to make and one to destroy! In my case it takes one to make and many to destroy!" Kash Sobhe

Since I have made this blog, many have liked the idea and supported me. Thanks to those that did. On the other hand, many have told me that this blog is stupid and has no point. Thanks to those that did, because they have inspired me to put even more effort into this website. Lesson to be learned: I know many people will change what they are doing as soon as couple of people don't like what he or she does. I used to do the same. But the Beverly Hills Robotics Team indirectly taught me that as long as there is a single person out there that likes what you do, the rest of the people are an inspiration to make you love yourself more and keep doing what you do!
Facebook question of the day: "explain internet speaking and it's effect on people's every day conversations" Shoshana Young

Speaking and expressing your ideas and having conversations on the internet has its pros and cons! First I used to think it's really bad since people start writing "ttul" instead of talk to you later (much longer and more annoying), "brb" for I will be right back with you, "lol" for laughing out loud, etc. These make an individual's life so much easier since it's a lot shorter and in a way like a secret language which most adults can't understand (my dad can!). But, recently I found out that it is also very good, for there are many people like me who are actually practicing their professional writing skills by writing to others and writing on their blog as I am write now. So, there is not a definite answer since it truly depends on an individual to chose for oneself to use the power of writing on the internet to their advantage of professionalism and/or laziness!
Facebook question of the day: "How AWESOME is ROBOTICS????!?!?!?" Benjamin Phillips
Conclusion: Robotics is extremely awesome!!
Face Book Question: Who is a worse actor... Vin Diesel? or The Rock?
This is actually a really hard question for me personally to answer since I happen to like both of them. But you always have to pick. Right? So I would actually go with Vin Diesel as a better actor making The Rock the more worse out of the 2. I happen to really like The Fast and The Furious movie where Vin Diesel had a part in and actually can't wait for The new Fast and The Furious, which will be coming out on April 4th!
Conclusion: Vin Diesel is a better actor
"Everything is evil; controlling the evilness within an individual make good" Kash Sobhe
Last year I wrote an essay about whether I thought humans are born good, evil, or pure. I happen to believe that there is a little bit of evilness within everyone. It is just about how much you control your evilness. An everyday example is, anyone can curse and say unnecessary words or do anything evil, but people chose to control their anger and evilness.
Nibiru and Planet X is not real! More facts
Please fill absolutely free to comment and ask me questions!
Fact of the Day 3
Did you know that a human needs 13 gallons of water per day? Did you also know that an average American uses at least 180 gallons of water per day and if you want to include the amount of water used for food production that he or she consumes, it adds up to a total of 1270 gallons of water per day?
"Funny is only as funny as the person who laughs the least thinks it is" Arash Soofiani
This applies to other things. When ever you want to see if something you say is funny, imagine if it would make the person who laughs the least laugh. Or in other cases, if you want to see if your writing is impressive, imagine if it would make the toughest grader impressed.
Beverly Hills Robotics Team
Fact of the Day 2

2012 youtube comment response
Questions: "2012 has other theorys associated with it besides nibiru. I have seen videos on youtube which have scientist claiming that the earth will pass through the photon belt in the middle of the galaxy in 2012 and this will cause disasters. Im not sure about either one of these theorys. Did the astronomers you talked to mention the photon belt?"
Response: Adding to the video, none of these doomsayers have the ability to back up their information with scientific facts. As I said in the video about them getting away, they do say scientists say this; But who? They don't give you names that exist and have been proven by NASA. NASA does not try to cover this up since they have notified us of previous contacts meteors had gotten close to with earth. As far as stories like Nibiru go, you can be convised that it does not exist by referring to
"It's all part of the plan"
Also in the movie Batman the joker says that it's all part of the plan. I have realized that there is a plan for every thing. The ways universe works; the way our world works; the way the government works; everything is part of the plan and we are a part of it. Considering the existent of this can help you understand the bigger picture of the things that happen in this world.
"I make my own luck"
In the movie batman, one of the characters told his fiancé that he makes his own luck and that's why he was always lucky and became successful until later events forced a change of mind. Many people waist their life wishing they were in someone else's situation saying that they are not lucky or that person is so lucky. What people should realize is that they shouldn't let the situation control their life and they have to start determining their own future and make their own luck.
"you can't fight the things that happen in your life. You can however use those things to benefit you in determining the future." Kash Sobhe
I have learned that human beings don't have the power to fight big things that occur in their life. This should not be a reason for them backing down either. They can use these events and turn it in a way which will benefit them and their surroundings. An example would be when someone dies. Everyone including me just cries and regrets why that person did not live long enough. You can never change what has happened. But instead of thinking about the down side of this, why don't you ever appreciate the fact that you were given the chance to be with and spend time with that person. Death is something that is very hard to deal with. Humans have a hard time accepting death as a part of life and they always want to gain and never lose. You have to lose things in order to make space in your life to gain other things. with out death life will not exist and that is part of the reason why death is not something to be feared, but something to be understood.
"You always control the outcome" Anonymous
This quote has a great impact in my life. People should realize that the situations and the events that occur in their life can truly be controlled by them. Human beings are always afraid to make a move or try to fix something and just wait for someone else to fix the problem even though they know that they can easily take care of it. This is either because they of afraid or they have too much pride and they don't want to be the one stepping down. In my life it's not about who can be the person with the most pride, it's about who controls the outcome.
"I traded my wings for the secret of learning how to fly" Ashkan Sobhe
Some people give up their key to success in order to be successful. They don't realize what they are giving up is what they need. I learned from this quote to really look at the precious things that I have in my life and not give them up knowing that they are the key to my success.
"I believe in destination. not destiny" Ashkan Sobhe
Meeting different people in my life, I also see some get held back by the things that happen in their life and never move on or try to fix it saying that maybe this is their destiny. My brother, however, does not believe in destiny. He believes that once he has set his goal, he will keep going forward until he reaches his destination. I believe this is how everyone should think about their life and not get held back.
"It's not about who you are, it's about who you choose to be" Kash Sobhe
Meeting different people in my life, some tend to make excuses of not moving on and improving their life by saying that they were made to be like this and this is who they are. To me, it's not about who you are because if who you are is getting in the way of your life, you can always choose to be someone else.
"the past and the future are the same, except one hasn't happened yet" Kash Sobhe
During my life time, after I took the course of United States History and looked at the past in general, I realized that events that occur in this world are a pattern and history repeats itself. I then came up with this quote and with this quote I look at the past to make better decisions for the future.
My goal
My main goal for this period of time is to finish high school with good grades and go to a good college and started my career right away. I really want to go to UCLA, but few things are holding me back. First, my gpa is not 4.0 (it is 3.5 and going up), and UCLA does not have my major (ITIS). That is why I am probably going to California State University of Northridge first which is one of the best colleges in my major. After getting a degree there, I will then transfer to UCLA to continue my education. Meanwhile I will keep making websites and taking classes and courses which will further my computer knowledge.
Consider the existent and presence
In my life, I like to consider the existent and presence of things meaning that I don't believe in everything and I don't put everything aside just because they are not true. First I consider the existent and presence of things. If the thing makes sense in my life, then I believe in it. If it doesn't make sense in my life, then I still think about how my life would change if it was true and if it did make sense. As an example, many people talk about the existent of aliens and many disagree. I just consider the existent of aliens. I think about how my life would change if they exist or did not exist. In the case of Aliens, none of those really benefit me, so I don't go into any further research and just keep the thought in my mind. This makes my life easier because human beings always want to think about stuff and try to make sense out of it and they get bothered when they fail to make sense out of something. That is why if you consider the existent and presents of the things you don't have to make sense out of them.
2012? Not really!
Planet Nibiru (2012)

Few weeks ago while browsing, I ran into a video which talked about planet Nibiru. Planet Nibiru is said to be a very big planet which enters our solar system every 3600 years. Religious people say that God talks about this planet and ancient people talk about extinctions which happened every 3600 thousand years. They say that Nibiru's gravitational force will cause tsunami and major earth quakes destroying 90% of humanity. They also say that the government is covering this up to prevent world wide panic when this planet gets close to earth in 2012, the year some say the world will come to an end. Having never heard of such stories, I became really interested and scared about this planet. I did some further research and and looked at all the comments for each video and realized that the comments make sense to me. One of the things a person mentioned which I was also aware of was that the people talked about a similar thing before the year 2000. They said that the world will come to an end because somehow the computers are all going to either explode or take over humanity.
Another fact which disagrees with this story is that some so called educated people said that planet Nibiru will come close to earth in the year 2003. But something tells me that it didn't happen. They also say that Nibiru will be visible by may 15, 2009 after entering our solar system. I did calculations and it takes a lot more time than 3 years to get close to earth. Different videos and websites used exact dates of Nibiru entering our solar system, causing harm to Earth, and leaving Earth. When it rains, the news says that there is this % chance of rain. If we are not sure about our weather conditions, then there is no way that even NASA knows the exact dates relating to Nibiru. However, the people that want to become famous and make money agree with the happening of this disaster. A great example would be the books people have written and the movies such as The day the Earth stood still or even 2012 which will be coming out. They are all making money out of this story.
Another comment which really helped me disagree with this idea was about the government. Many creators of these videos and stories say that the government is hiding this information to prevent worldwide panic, but if the U.S. government truly wanted to prevent worldwide panic, they would not let a single bit of information out at any cost.
I also contacted a scientist from NASA and he told me that NASA does not even prove the existent of such a planet. He said that this story is not scientifically proven by NASA even though the story tellers say so.
There is a good side and bad side to every story. There are people who don't care about the world and enjoy spreading rumors and causing panic attacks within people as they did before the year 2000 causing some people to commit suicide. As I mentioned before, consider the existent of such stories and then see if it favors you. Always go by what makes sense to you and what will be most favorable in your life. In this case I don't think this science fiction story will be useful to any one with goals in their life.
Allow me to introduce myself
My name is Khashaiar Sobhe. I also go by the name Kash in my high school. I am 16 years old and currently am in the 11th grade in Beverly Hills High School. I lived most of my life in Iran. My adventure and new life started when my mom, my brother, and I moved to New York in the summer of 2003 just to visit my uncle and his family. Believing that this was only a trip for a month, I tried to have the best time possible. I started questioning this trip when my older brother (he is 22 now) went to school followed up by me going to the 6th grade P.S. 144 elementary school. My mom told me that this was only for me to make good use of this trip to improve my English. As soon as I came home from the the first day of school, I cried to my mom and told her that girls sat next to me and every one spoke English. I had a culture shock because in my country every one spoke Farsi and beside the fact that boys and girls went to different schools, they all had to wear a scurf. My mom encouraged me to just go to school for few more days.
Being teenagers, it wasn't that hard for my brother and I to adapt to the new environment and culture, but that did not change our assumption of going back to Iran. When my dad came to New York City after he finished his things in Iran, I found out that this whole thing was my family's decision to move to the U.S. and stay here, at least until we finish going to school.
We decide to come to Los Angeles because we love this place. My dad opened up a rug company while my brother further developed his computer skills and ended up opening up his own web designing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company while going to California State University Northridge. Learning from my brother's knowledge and skills, I as well became interested in this career and along my brother, I will major in ITIS (Information Technology Information Systems). Every time that I don't go to school, I go to my dad's work and help him out as well as helping my brother out with web designing. I really enjoy helping my dad out and designing websites. The most recent websites I have worked on are, and this website which I made to share my thoughts and my view on this changing world. And here I am with my family in the 11th grade living in the U.S. waiting to make my next move.
First day of skating
Well, yesterday was my birthday and i got a video camera and a skate board. Whats not better to skate board and record! (totally rhymed)
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