"It's all part of the plan"

Also in the movie Batman the joker says that it's all part of the plan. I have realized that there is a plan for every thing. The ways universe works; the way our world works; the way the government works; everything is part of the plan and we are a part of it. Considering the existent of this can help you understand the bigger picture of the things that happen in this world.


Rug Ideas Dr. Kay Sobhe (Los Angeles) said...

Do you mean that everything is preset and we cannot change it? What type of the plan are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

ur turning into marcel!

Kash said...

Well, in the movie Batman The Dark Night (by the way it is a great movie)batman puts the joker in jail thinking that it is the end of the story. What batman did not realize was that it was part of the jokers plan to go to jail and set up his things in the jail and leave. This applies to my life since I believe that there is a big plan for us and the world; the creation and destruction; birth and death; And we as human beings cannot fight natures plan and instead have to use it to out benefits

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