Why I rather live under water for 5 days with no oxygen than call customer service

Okay this is Has This Ever Happened To You 5. Don't you hate it when your computer just randomly decides not to work? The Internet companies such as AT&T claim that they are really good, but my internet gets disconnected every 5 minutes or so. I call them up to see what the problem is and I have to go through the stupid automated voice until after asking me 100 stupid questions, it connects me to a stupid representative who has no idea what he/she is doing. After all of that, they finally sent someone over today. After he said he fixed it (I have no clue how he fixed it cause he didn't do anything) he told me to pay $60. I 100% refused cause when I called AT&T, they said that it is their problem and that they will fix take care of it. So this is basically a story of how AT&T sucks and they try to charge you for everything, so do research before switching to them or calling them.


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