this is the part of life thats really hard
its like trying to go to a place thats really far
and you dont have a car, so you gotta walk your whole way through it
and you keep reminding yourself that you can do it, yes you can do it
its a bad feeling when succes passes by
and doesnt even say hi
but you can't cry, cause you have to stand like a man to it
and you just have to remind yourself that you can do it, yes you can do it
trying to make money, just to pay the monthly bills
but you dont even have enough to pay for the meals
but you can't give up, cause you'll get through it
and you just have to remind yourself that you can do it, yes you can do it.
you're sitting in your car
and you're going somewhere far
you look up in the sky and smile, because you knew it
you just tell yourslef that you knew you could do it, yes you can do it
Pure God

-Daniel Rosenwald
My Imaginations: Work

As I was trying to figure out what to do, I opened my eyes just to realize that I was dreaming. I saw myself relaxing on my chair again. Right when I was about to smile and look at the papers all done sitting on my desk, I was shocked to see that I had spilled my coffee on the hand written papers. I heard my boss's footsteps. I closed and opened my eyes hoping that this would also be part of my imaginations.
Aliens, UFOs, Government Top Secret, The Real Truth!
80% of Americans believe that the government is hiding secrets about UFOs. Before WWII, due to Hitler's hunger for power, He pushed the Nazi scientists to develop a technology seemingly impossible by humans. His ambition.........To rule the world by winning the WWII. The Nazi scientists did not have enough time to carry out their plans to WWII. This lead to Gemany's loss of WWII in 1945. Right after the war, the US and Russia took as many Nazi scientists as they could. These scientists in the US got transfered to facilities such as Area 51. Two years later, nine brilliantly bright flying objects were seen by Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947 while flying his private plane near Mount Rainier, Washington. The Army Air Force, showing interest in what the public saw, started the Project Blue Book investigation on UFOs. Official studies ended in the U.S. in December 1969, subsequent to the statement by Edward Condon that the study of UFOs probably could not be justified in the expectation that science would be advanced. While the open investigations stopped, Area 51 continued testing its latest technologies. There were several cases of reports on people hearing objects crashing into the ground, but no planes or any objects were found anywhere. This could be a special government agency's job to clean up the top secret tests and accidents. While many of the reports are mistaken by planetary conjunctions such as parhelia and lenticular clouds, there are reports backed up with evidences of UFOs' existence. For all we know, UFOs are not related to any Aliens. This invention was Germany's desire to use technology to rule the world, which lead them to being 25 years ahead of the technology of the rest of the world. US and Russia's desire to over power each other during the cold war (from 1945-1991) explains their willingness to carry out the Nazi attempts of this advance technology and keep it top secret. The Germans did invent the first UFO followed up by the US and Russia further carrying out this invention. Therefore, UFOs are not related to Aliens, which could be another government story to cover up their top secrets.
My Imaginations: The girl of my dreams

I came to realize that there was no point of following her and smiled knowing that this was only my imaginations. I opened my eyes and realized that being at the beach was part of my imaginations as well. I saw myself sitting on my computer doing everything in my power to stop myself from clicking on her screen name because i already talked to her today. I kept reminding myself of the stupid love game. The game that I have to play, because else I wouldn't stand a chance to prove to her that I really love her. I got carried away in my imaginations again. I thought about what I would tell her if I clicked on her screen name. I thought about all the wonderful things I would tell her. I thought about finally telling her, begging her to give me a chance to give me just one shot to prove myself. I got the courage to let my heart speak for me. I opened my eyes again just to realize she has signed off.
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