I finally finished it. Finally put it together and was ready to turn it it. I had to. It was due by 12:00. Extremely excited, I grabbed my coffee to lay back on my chair and relax. Just when I was relaxing myself I heard noise coming from the hall way. only my boss and I were in the office, so I assumed it was him. I came out of my room to see what was going on. It was my boss just trying to check up on me. He seemed nervous about whether or not the paper was going to turn out well. I was 100% confident about my work, so I just smiled at him and told him "I never let you down boss". I went back to my room. Shocked, I was nervously wondering where my papers went. I put them on the desk right before I left my room just 2 minutes ago. The clock just turned 11:58 when I heard footsteps. My boss knocked on the door. He came in and said "well, superman, tomorrow is show time. Let me take a look at it before the big day comes. I had no idea how to explain to him that the papers randomly disappeared. My boss was nice, but you wouldn't be able to imagine his angry side. As I was trying to explain the situation to him, he gave me the evil laugh and said "you are fired superman". I was frightened, because this was the biggest project he ever gave me and it got me fired.
As I was trying to figure out what to do, I opened my eyes just to realize that I was dreaming. I saw myself relaxing on my chair again. Right when I was about to smile and look at the papers all done sitting on my desk, I was shocked to see that I had spilled my coffee on the hand written papers. I heard my boss's footsteps. I closed and opened my eyes hoping that this would also be part of my imaginations.
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