While I was walking on the beach I felt the sand hitting my toes, as if they were begging me to stay. Even for a second, to stay there and protect them from the ocean. The ocean seemed to be mad and as scared as I was, I felt responsible for the sands. So I decided to stay and as I stayed my imaginations let me to visualizing the girl of my dreams, slowly walking towards me. She passed me. I was trying so hard to tell her that I love her and for her to give me a chance to prove to her that I love her and that I am different. She seemed to see that I am different, but she didn’t seem to have any interest. As I was trying to shout, I came to realize that my voice has died, that the wind has taken it away from me. The sands pushed me towards her, so I got their help and started walking towards her, but the faster I walked, the farther she seemed to get from me. I finally managed to get my voice together and call her name, but she kept walking as if her name was something else.
I came to realize that there was no point of following her and smiled knowing that this was only my imaginations. I opened my eyes and realized that being at the beach was part of my imaginations as well. I saw myself sitting on my computer doing everything in my power to stop myself from clicking on her screen name because i already talked to her today. I kept reminding myself of the stupid love game. The game that I have to play, because else I wouldn't stand a chance to prove to her that I really love her. I got carried away in my imaginations again. I thought about what I would tell her if I clicked on her screen name. I thought about all the wonderful things I would tell her. I thought about finally telling her, begging her to give me a chance to give me just one shot to prove myself. I got the courage to let my heart speak for me. I opened my eyes again just to realize she has signed off.
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