The bright lights were flashing in my eyes. The stage was bumping and all the people were cheering. I was at a huge rave and I felt great. The DJ onstage took the audience through a mind trip that made everyone zone out. They all fell to the ground and I was the only one standing. It was as if they had all taken bad ecstasy and I was the only sane person. A lone angel among many demons. But then I woke up from my soma-induced vacation to realize that it was I who was the demon and everyone else the bright angels around me. I strove to become benevolent by standing up. As I got up, the music started to flow through me like an electric eel swimming through one arm and out the other. The skeleton was electrified and moved with the oscillating vibrations of the fattest bass drop in the song. I was back on the ground, sitting, as was everyone else, receiving a giant light show put on by some godly figure. All 10,000 of us watched as the flowing, glowing blurs of light spun in wild patterns. We were experiencing God. None of us had ever felt anything better in our lives. I am enlightened. My brain is open to a whole world of mystery. Freedom at last.
-Daniel Rosenwald
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