Months ago while browsing, I ran into a video which talked about planet Nibiru. Planet Nibiru is said to be a very big planet which enters our solar system every 3600 years. Religious people say that God talks about this planet and ancient people talk about extinctions which happened every 3600 thousand years. They say that Nibiru's gravitational force will cause tsunami and major earth quakes destroying 90% of humanity. They also say that the government is covering this up to prevent world wide panic when this planet gets close to earth in 2012, the year some say the world will come to an end. Having never heard of such stories, I became really interested and scared about this planet. I did some further research and and looked at all the comments for each video and realized that the comments make sense to me. One of the things a person mentioned which I was also aware of was that the people talked about a similar thing before the year 2000. They said that the world will come to an end because somehow the computers are all going to either explode or take over humanity.

Another fact which disagrees with this story is that some so called educated people said that planet Nibiru will come close to earth in the year 2003. But something tells me that it didn't happen. They also say that Nibiru will be visible by may 15, 2009 after entering our solar system. I did calculations and it takes a lot more time than 3 years to get close to earth. In addition to the calculations, it is November 7 of 2009, which mean it is 6 months past that date and nothing has been seen. Different videos and websites used accurate dates of Nibiru entering our solar system, causing harm to Earth, and leaving Earth. When it rains, the news says that there is this % chance of rain. If we are not sure about our weather conditions, then there is no way that even NASA knows the exact dates relating to Nibiru. However, the people that want to become famous and make money agree with the happening of this disaster. A great example would be the books people have written and the movies such as The day the Earth stood still or even 2012 which will be coming out very soon. They are all making money out of this story. Another comment which really helped me disagree with this idea was about the government. Many creators of these videos and stories say that the government is hiding this information to prevent worldwide panic, but if the U.S. government truly wanted to prevent worldwide panic, they would not let a single bit of information out at any cost.
I also contacted a scientist from NASA and he told me that NASA does not even prove the existent of such a planet. He said that this story is not scientifically proven by NASA even though the story tellers say so. I talked to many more scientists who are not related to NASA (a governmental agency) and they as well said the existence of such a planet and such a story is virtually impossible and not scientific.
There is a good side and bad side to every story. There are people who don't care about the world and enjoy spreading rumors and causing panic attacks within people as they did before the year 2000 causing some people to commit suicide. Thankfully, the this world and the universe work on logics. You truly have to see if it is logical. When 2012 will come without anything happening, all the doomsayers are going to say is that "our calculations were wrong" again! All they are going to do is to enjoy the money we paid to watch their movies and buy their books. They have been saying such stories for a while now and as it seems, they are not going to stop anytime soon. Let science lead the way as it has lead us to a promising future. Be the greatest you can be and live your life in peace.
I also contacted a scientist from NASA and he told me that NASA does not even prove the existent of such a planet. He said that this story is not scientifically proven by NASA even though the story tellers say so. I talked to many more scientists who are not related to NASA (a governmental agency) and they as well said the existence of such a planet and such a story is virtually impossible and not scientific.
There is a good side and bad side to every story. There are people who don't care about the world and enjoy spreading rumors and causing panic attacks within people as they did before the year 2000 causing some people to commit suicide. Thankfully, the this world and the universe work on logics. You truly have to see if it is logical. When 2012 will come without anything happening, all the doomsayers are going to say is that "our calculations were wrong" again! All they are going to do is to enjoy the money we paid to watch their movies and buy their books. They have been saying such stories for a while now and as it seems, they are not going to stop anytime soon. Let science lead the way as it has lead us to a promising future. Be the greatest you can be and live your life in peace.
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