Mankind lives by boundaries to understand things like good or evil and to see what they are capable of achieving. But, good or evil does not exist in the universe. Universe is neither good nor evil. The universe is beyond human imagination due to boundaries, because the universe is boundless and that is something humans cannot understand. Boundary exists within the human mind. It is something that is not real and rather coded into our brains. Boundary is what keeps humans from reaching freedom, because it creates walls withing our brains and separates reality from actuality. Human Imagination is the only boundless thing that lies withing humanity. Once our brain and our imagination unite can we be free and walk past the wall of boundary.
Okay this is Has This Ever Happened To You 5. Don't you hate it when your computer just randomly decides not to work? The Internet companies such as AT&T claim that they are really good, but my internet gets disconnected every 5 minutes or so. I call them up to see what the problem is and I have to go through the stupid automated voice until after asking me 100 stupid questions, it connects me to a stupid representative who has no idea what he/she is doing. After all of that, they finally sent someone over today. After he said he fixed it (I have no clue how he fixed it cause he didn't do anything) he told me to pay $60. I 100% refused cause when I called AT&T, they said that it is their problem and that they will fix take care of it. So this is basically a story of how AT&T sucks and they try to charge you for everything, so do research before switching to them or calling them.
Okay, Cyber bullying is one of the few things that is actually not sweet. People have been doing it since news papers came out. And the internet helped so much in expanding Cyber bullying. It is obvious that losers find it funny to publicly accuse people of doing something and some how laugh at it. But, realize what you are saying and how you would feel if someone shared something really private about you. At first I was like who cares too and I thought the stuff I read were funny. But, then I thought what if they shared something private about me? I know for a fact I would not like that. While Cyber bullying is not funny, it is actually illegal. It falls under defamation in the law. To go more into detail it is called Libel, which is written defamation. There has been a case of someone going to jail for 3 years and having to pay $300,000 fine. How funny would that be if you had to pay that much money and waste 3 years of your life for being stupid. So, the simplest way is to stop Cyber bullying and watch my videos to laugh rather than Cyber bullying.
I made a facebook application quiz! It's 10 questions about fact of the days. See if you can be pretty sweet, sweet, or pretty. and pretty is not good in kashlife. Here is the link take it and see how you do.
One thing I have to say, Windows 7 is amazing. It is seriously amazing. Even though the features on Windows Vista are still cool, I do agree that the performance of Windows Vista was not impressive. Windows XP is what many liked and the XP users were afraid to switch to Windows Vista after all the bad reviews. But let me tell you something. If you have Windows XP and waiting to switch to something better, it is here and it is Windows 7. No Microsoft is not paying me so I'm not advertising for money. I am just a person in love with Microsoft. And Mac....hmmm... I rather have a PC over mac. But, I'm not saying that Mac actually sucks. It really depends on your own opinion and what you are used to and what you use them for. I really like the fact that windows is open source, meaning that I can write my own code and put it in my computer. But I really like iPhone, iTouch and some other Apple products. I actually use iTunes and love it. So, it all comes down to, if you want to upgrade to something more simple and faster, it is Windows 7 and it is my idea.
Youtube brought the new HD feature 1080p which allows people to upload HD videos that are even of higher quality than the 720p. I bought an HD camera so I can make HD videos. Now that I try uploading the video, it says that it is uploading but after a full hour it says "upload failed". The only way to put up your video is to convert it to standard quality. I am still trying to figure out how to fix it so you can upload your 1080i/p video and as soon as I do I will put HD VIDEOS on
YouTube is now becoming pretty well know for randomly removing videos without warning people. There are over 200 million YouTube users and many of them make videos. To make their videos look a little nicer, they might add in music or a little clip from a movie. Unfortunately, since the music, video clips, etc. might be copy righted, YouTube cannot allow the users to make those videos. YouTube's solution to that is to remove the videos and then notify the maker telling them that if they use a copyrighted item again their channel will be banned. I believe that it would be a lot better if sent a notification to the maker asking them to remove the video instead of YouTube. My story is a little different. I made a video about and put the link on their facebook page couple of times. I was indeed advertising for them and telling people to go to their website. My video got reported as spam and without YouTube warning me and telling me to stop spamming, they went ahead and removed my video. I find that very unfair, because I find it logical for YouTube to warn me first before actually removing my video. So, before making a video make sure not to use anything copyrighted and don't spam your video, because they probably will get removed.
Months ago while browsing, I ran into a video which talked about planet Nibiru. Planet Nibiru is said to be a very big planet which enters our solar system every 3600 years. Religious people say that God talks about this planet and ancient people talk about extinctions which happened every 3600 thousand years. They say that Nibiru's gravitational force will cause tsunami and major earth quakes destroying 90% of humanity. They also say that the government is covering this up to prevent world wide panic when this planet gets close to earth in 2012, the year some say the world will come to an end. Having never heard of such stories, I became really interested and scared about this planet. I did some further research and and looked at all the comments for each video and realized that the comments make sense to me. One of the things a person mentioned which I was also aware of was that the people talked about a similar thing before the year 2000. They said that the world will come to an end because somehow the computers are all going to either explode or take over humanity.
Another fact which disagrees with this story is that some so called educated people said that planet Nibiru will come close to earth in the year 2003. But something tells me that it didn't happen. They also say that Nibiru will be visible by may 15, 2009 after entering our solar system. I did calculations and it takes a lot more time than 3 years to get close to earth. In addition to the calculations, it is November 7 of 2009, which mean it is 6 months past that date and nothing has been seen. Different videos and websites used accurate dates of Nibiru entering our solar system, causing harm to Earth, and leaving Earth. When it rains, the news says that there is this % chance of rain. If we are not sure about our weather conditions, then there is no way that even NASA knows the exact dates relating to Nibiru. However, the people that want to become famous and make money agree with the happening of this disaster. A great example would be the books people have written and the movies such as The day the Earth stood still or even 2012 which will be coming out very soon. They are all making money out of this story. Another comment which really helped me disagree with this idea was about the government. Many creators of these videos and stories say that the government is hiding this information to prevent worldwide panic, but if the U.S. government truly wanted to prevent worldwide panic, they would not let a single bit of information out at any cost. I also contacted a scientist from NASA and he told me that NASA does not even prove the existent of such a planet. He said that this story is not scientifically proven by NASA even though the story tellers say so. I talked to many more scientists who are not related to NASA (a governmental agency) and they as well said the existence of such a planet and such a story is virtually impossible and not scientific. There is a good side and bad side to every story. There are people who don't care about the world and enjoy spreading rumors and causing panic attacks within people as they did before the year 2000 causing some people to commit suicide. Thankfully, the this world and the universe work on logics. You truly have to see if it is logical. When 2012 will come without anything happening, all the doomsayers are going to say is that "our calculations were wrong" again! All they are going to do is to enjoy the money we paid to watch their movies and buy their books. They have been saying such stories for a while now and as it seems, they are not going to stop anytime soon. Let science lead the way as it has lead us to a promising future. Be the greatest you can be and live your life in peace.
Did you know that drinking too much water kills? There have been many cases of people dieing, for example, from drinking too much water after doing push ups. While the cells in other parts of the body have the ability to expand, the brain cells which lie withing the skull do not. Drinking too much water forces the brain to expand and this causes nausea, headache, and possibly death. Pretty Sweet!
Did you know that last year there were 1,125 billionaires? This year there are just 793 people rich enough to make our list. That's a decrease of 332 billionaires. Pretty Sweet!